The ZNU Quick-Check

The ZNU’s Quick-Check is a self-assessment tool that allows you to categorise your sustainability activities and provides assistance for further steps. The Quick-Check for Sustainable Business offers the opportunity to better assess performance, query the status quo of supplier companies and provide individualised recommendations for action and suggestions for improvement.

Quick-Check (5 min.)

13 questions to raise awareness on sustainability issues

Quick-Check (15 min.)

33 questions for a more precise assessment of your sustainability performance

Cooperation with the GIZ

Which topics are part of sustainability? How should my own performance be assessed? How can I sensitise employees and suppliers to sustainability? These are just three of the questions you might ask yourself when thinking about ESG measures in your company.

The ZNU has developed the Sustainable Business Quick Check in cooperation with the German Development Cooperation (GIZ).

Would you like to find out more?

In this webinar, we will introduce you to the approach of the ZNU standard and give you an overview of the most important requirements on the way to certification. You can expect presentations from the ZNU and a practice partner from the ZNU partner network. The video conference will also provide an opportunity to clarify any questions that may arise.

Get your colleagues on board!

To get a more comprehensive picture of your company, you can send the quick check to colleagues in other departments or positions. This will give you an initial assessment of the status of sustainability issues there and also sensitise other employees in the company to the topic.

Would you like more information?

Find guidelines and ZNU standard documents on the topic of sustainable management in the download area.