ZNU-Standard - driving sustinable change: Make goals tangible and measurable.

We are delighted that you want to make your company more sustainable and make an active and measurable contribution to sustainable change in business and society. The ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change differs from other sustainability standards in its holistic approach. While many standards only cover specific sustainability dimensions, the ZNU Standard integrates all relevant topics and promotes the long-term establishment of an integrated management process.

What is the ZNU Standard?

The ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change is an externally certifiable standard for the implementation of a holistic management process for sustainable leadership. Certification ensures that the company is seriously addressing the issue of sustainability and is systematically developing in the key areas of action at the respective location and along the value chain. To this end, an annual inspection is carried out by accredited certification bodies. The ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change is the first tried-and-tested standard for more sustainable business practices that takes into account all three dimensions - environmental, economic and social - in addition to the governance dimension. It enables companies and stakeholders to move from the defensive to the offensive; from mere compliance with sustainability guidelines to experiencing and realising the potential of more sustainable business practices.

Who is the ZNU Standard for?

All companies that want to make measurable progress in the area of sustainability and the ESG fields of action can use the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change: from SMEs to large international corporations, from manufacturing companies to service providers and all other organisations, e.g. sports clubs. The ZNU Standard has a modular structure. It can be easily adapted to any industry and company size by focusing on the company's key areas of activity.

What does certification according to the ZNU Standard ensure?

"The company has implemented a holistic process “driving sustainable change”, is making measurable progress on its material sustainability issues at the business site(s) and along the value chains, and is thus making a committed, ongoing contribution to the transformation of the economy and society towards sustainability."

Three good reasons for the ZNU Standard


The ZNU Standard promotes systematic integration, resilience and innovation through practical approaches and enables continuous improvements in sustainable leadership.


It integrates environmental, economic and social aspects into corporate management and provides a comprehensive, measurable basis for sustainable development and systematic progress.


Through certification, the ZNU standard creates trust, strengthens communication with regard to the SDGs or Green Claims Regulation and supports to fulfil regulatory requirements such as CSRD reporting.

Certified Companies

  • Heidemark GmbH
  • Molkerei Söbbeke GmbH
  • Sparkasse Osnabrück
  • FC Köln GmbH & Co. KGaA
  • 4safety
  • Agrarfrost GmbH
  • ALB-GOLD Teigwaren GmbH
  • apetito AG
  • apoprojekt GmbH
  • Aroma Snacks GmbH
  • Aunde Group SE
  • AVO-Werke August Beisse GmbH
  • Miller-Consulting GmbH
  • Privatmolkerei Bauer GmbH & Co. KG
  • Naabtaler Milchwerke GmbH & Co. KG, Privatmolkerei Bechtel
  • Berief Food GmbH
  • Borussia VfL 1900 Mönchengladbach GmbH
  • Bösch Boden Spies GmbH & Co. KG
  • Brandt Zwieback-Schokoladen GmbH & Co. KG
  • Bitburger Braugruppe GmbH
  • Centravo Holding AG
  • Develey Senf & Feinkost GmbH
  • Dorsch Holding GmbH
  • Erzeugergroßmarkt Langförden-Oldenburg eG
  • Elsdorfer Molkerei und Feinkost GmbH
  • Engel & Zimmermann GmbH
  • Erlenbacher Backwaren GmbH
  • FC Internationale Berlin 1980 e. V.
  • fjol GmbH
  • Frauenrath Beteiligungs GmbH
  • Gartenbauzentrale e.G.
  • Gelato Classico - Die Eismanufaktur GmbH
  • Gemüsering Stuttgart GmbH
  • Göbber GmbH
  • GV Management GmbH
  • Hengstenberg GmbH & Co. KG
  • Holle baby food AG
  • Rudolf und Robert Houdek GmbH
  • Immergut GmbH & Co. KG
  • vitfrisch Gemüse-Vertrieb eG
  • Katjes Fassin GmbH + Co. KG
  • Ornua Deutschland GmbH
  • Klüh Service Management GmbH
  • KuchenMeister GmbH
  • Lebkuchen-Schmidt GmbH & Co
  • Leiber GmbH
  • Mählmann Gemüsebau GmbH & Co. KG
  • Maintal Konfitüren GmbH
  • MERA Tiernahrung GmbH
  • Institut Kirchhoff Berlin GmbH
  • Nagel-Group Logistics SE
  • apetito catering B.V. & Co. KG
  • Peter Kölln GmbH & Co. KGaA
  • Planemos GmbH
  • Popp Feinkost GmbH
  • Pronova BKK
  • Rabe Moden GmbH
  • Rebional GmbH
  • Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG
  • Rücker GmbH
  • Haus Schaeben GmbH & Co. KG
  • Schne-frost Ernst Schnetkamp GmbH & Co. KG
  • Schnitzer Produkions GmbH
  • Schwarzwaldmilch GmbH Freiburg
  • SALOMON FoodWorld GmbH
  • Vorwärts Spoho 98 e.V.
  • Steinbildhauerei Vincent
  • Thermotraffic GmbH
  • https://www.toepfer-babywelt.de/nachhaltigkeit/v
  • trinkkontor GmbH
  • VOK DAMS Gesellschaft für Kommunikation mbH
  • Thüringer Waldquell Mineralbrunnen GmbH
  • Wernsing Feinkost GmbH
  • Windel GmbH & Co. KG
  • WISAG Gebäudereinigung Holding GmbH & Co. KG
  • Fleischwerk EDEKA Nord GmbH

In a nutshell

In this video, Managing Director Antje explains how she successfully applies the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change in her company.

What certified companies say:

Stefan Kauß, Head of Sustainability and Safety at the Bitburger Braugruppe

Harald Lochmann, Managing Director of Erlenbacher Backwaren GmbH

ZNU Standard (2018)

Here you can download all documents of the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change. The core document Z2 consists of two parts: Part I covers sustainable governance and in Part II you are asked to provide evidence of what you specifically contribute to the sustainability topics of environmental, economic and social issues. The other chapters contain regulations on scope, certification, communication rules, solutions for multiple locations and more.

Would you like to find out more?

In this webinar, we will introduce you to the approach of the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change and provide an overview of the most important requirements on the way to certification. You can expect presentations from the ZNU and a practice partner from the ZNU partner network. The video conference will also provide an opportunity to clarify any questions that may arise.

Certification bodies

The certification process

From the decision to successful certification: the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change supports companies in implementing sustainability in a structured and strategic way. We have summarised the most important steps for you here.


1. Status Quo detection

Comparison of your existing
management system with the current requirements of the
ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change

2. Estimation of assessment effort

You select an approved certification body, which will provide you with a detailed offer. This includes the assessment duration/costs, assessment date and assessment plan. A certification cycle (offer) lasts 3 years.

3. Preparation of assessment

Optimum assessment preparation includes documentation and monitoring of the process ‘driving sustainable change’, including a target and action plan for your sustainability activities.

Assessment procedure

4. Execution of assessment

Initial meeting & document review, company tour & employee survey, conclusions & final meeting, preparation of an action plan

5. Audit report

The assessor checks the completed action plan and writes the audit report, which you receive after the internal review by the certification body. Any deviations must have been resolved in advance.

6. Certificate

The certification body decides on the certification.
If this is successful, you will receive the official certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the standard setter?

The standard setter is the Centre for Sustainable Leadership (ZNU) of the Faculty of Business and Society at Witten/Herdecke University.

What is the aim of the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change?

The ZNU Standard is a joint endeavour of science and business practice and aims to measurably promote sustainable development in business and society. It supports organisations in structuring their existing sustainability activities and developing them in a targeted and directionally sound manner - driving sustainable change.

If I am interested - what do I do?

If you are interested in the ZNU Standard for Sustainable Management, please get in touch with the contact persons at the approved certification bodies. You can also contact a consultancy firm for company-specific enquiries. If you have general questions about the ZNU Standard, please contact us by email at znu@uni-wh.de or find out more here on the website. You can download the documents relating to the ZNU Standard free of charge here.

How long does an assessment take and how long is a certificate valid for?

The duration of the assessment depends on the number of employees, the nature and number of locations and other criteria. For a quick, approximate calculation, please use our tool for the assessment effort (click here for multi site).

A certificate ‘ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change’ is issued by the certification body for three years. An annual review ensures that the company is complying with and implementing the requirements of the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change. Before the certificate expires, it can be extended for a further three years through successful recertification.

Who is authorised to assess the ZNU Standard? Who are the authorised certification bodies?

Here you will find an overview of all contact persons at the approved certification bodies, and general requirements apply to all examiners who are appointed. Download the exact authorisation regulations here.

Who can be certified according to the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change?

All organisations that want to make measurable progress in the area of sustainability can use the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change: from SMEs to large international corporations, from production companies to service providers and trading companies - regardless of their sector. Public institutions, (sports) clubs and other organisations can also be certified according to the ZNU Standard. The standard is internationally applicable. You can find an overview of companies/organisations that have already been certified here.

What distinguishes the ZNU Standard 2018 from the ZNU Standard 2024?

In order to better meet the current requirements of companies and other organisations with regard to sustainability and to give users a competitive advantage through the revised ZNU system, an updated version (ZNU Standard 2024) was developed in an extensive stakeholder process. In terms of content, changes have primarily been made in the following areas: Early Detection (double materiality), Climate Change Mitigation (addition of Scope 3 elements), Climate Change Adaptation (as an additional requirement), Finance (as a new requirement) and additions to the Packaging, Biodiversity and Human Rights requirements. Once the revised version has been published, you will find the amendment protocol here.

How long are the certificates of the current version (2018) still valid?

The certificate is generally valid for three years. All valid certificates according to the 2018 version will remain valid for up to three years after publication of the following revised version.

When do inspections have to be carried out in accordance with the new version of the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change?

Every new and already certified company is free to have their inspections carried out by an approved certification body in accordance with the new version from the publication of the revised version. All initial certifications and recertifications must be carried out in accordance with the new 2024 version no later than two years after publication of the new version. Surveillance of the 2018 version may still be carried out as part of an ongoing certification cycle up to two years after publication.

Does the ZNU standard correspond to the regulatory ESRS standards of the CSRD? What are the differences?

The ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change is the world’s first holistic sustainability standard for organisations that can be externally certified and is subject to review of a state-comissioned organisation; it is not a reporting standard, but rather demands and promotes concrete improvements in processes and sustainability performance. The ZNU standard therefore offers the ideal basis for sound and systematically successful reporting, e.g. also with regard to the CSRD/ESRS.

In principle, companies that apply the ZNU Standard are well prepared for reporting standards such as ESRS, DNK, GRI, Ecovadis etc. and their requirements, but must also fulfil specific requirements of these frameworks (if they are subject to reporting requirements).

For companies that are subject to CSRD and have already started the reporting process, the new ZNU Standard 2024 offers a pragmatic system that facilitates the regular reporting process and permanently and measurably improves the processes behind the indicators/data points to be reported.

How does the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change differ from other systems/standards?

The ZNU Standard helps companies to implement a holistic process ‘driving sustainable change’ and to develop measurably in their key sustainability issues at their location and along their value chains.

In contrast to many other standards, it is holistic and covers all key sustainability issues and not just one dimension. It is also about the long-term establishment of an integrated management process that can support companies in fulfilling their reporting obligations in the area of sustainability. However, it must be clearly distinguished from the usual reporting standards.

The ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change is a voluntary standard that was developed jointly by academia and business practice. In contrast to other standards, it is characterised in particular by annual on-site audits by independent third parties, as well as by its holistic nature, which demands and promotes learning dynamics and innovation at company and product level.

Despite promoting sustainable production processes, it is not purely a product standard and therefore does not compete with FSC, organic, fair trade, etc. Rather, the combination of the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change with established product standards is seen as a great opportunity to link holistic sustainability management and product-related activities on individual topics in such a way that the company’s overall commitment can be communicated to the outside world with the greatest possible effectiveness and credibility.

Ideas or complaints about the ZNU Standard?

If you have any ideas, complaints, comments or suggestions for improvement, we would be delighted to receive any kind of feedback. If you have any questions about the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change or certification, please contact the people listed below or znu@uni-wh.de.

Questions about the ZNU Standard?

Do you have any questions about the content of the ZNU standard? Kesta Ludemann will be happy to help you. For information on implementation and internationalisation, please contact Dr Matthias Hauser.